Join the movement

sign up

in 6 easy steps

1. Go to or click the Join Now button

2. Click join today and follow the prompts

3. On step 2 use the following:

Job title? Sex Worker
Branch/ Location? Branch 600
Zero Hour Contract? Click YES
NOTE: It is important you tick the YES box for zero hour contract so you are charged the correct amount

4. On step 3 it should say your membership costs is £5.89. If it doesn't, go back to step 2 and click YES to zero hours

5. Continue through step 4-5 and submit your application

6. Once you have submitted your application, please fill in this form

why do We Organise with BFAWU?

The Sex Workers Union (SWU) is a branch of sex workers in the UK, organising with BFAWU for better working conditions and fighting to change the industry from within.